Covid-19 vaccines have not caused 14,000 deaths in Europe
These post-vaccination events are not necessarily related to vaccinations, even if they occurred afterwards

You have sent us an article from Euskalnews website which, taking as a reference EudraVigilance database, states that in Europe 13,867 people have died and 1,354,336 have been injured” due to the vaccination campaign against covid-19. The statement is FALSE. No such number of people in Europe have died from covid-19 vaccines, nor have more than 1,300,000 been injured.The European database EudraVigilance gathers post-vaccination incidents reported by citizens or by the medical authorities in the Member States, but in no case do these numbers have a proven causal relation. In other words, these post-vaccination events are not necessarily related to vaccinations,even if they occurred afterwards.
"In Europe, as of June 5, 13,867 people have died and 1,354,336 have been injured due to the COVID-19 “vaccine”, according to EudraVigilance, an European database of notifications and suspicious reactions to drugs"
The logic followed by the EudraVigilance database is practically identical to that of the US VAERS website, which we have already discussed elsewhere. These are pharmacosurveillance portals, which are dedicated to reporting “medical events that have been observed after the use of a drug, but which are not necessarily related or caused by it”, as they state on the European website.
Hence, the reported cases in the website are those that coincide with the vaccination time, but they do not need to be linked to it.
These data usually come from pharmaceutical laboratories and from the medicines regulatory authorities in each country. In some places, such as Spain or France, citizens can report adverse effects directly to the country's authorities, without needing to consult health experts beforehand. These, in turn, forward them to the European platform. As a difference from the US VAERS website, it is not possible to report cases directly to EudraVigilance.
The European website warns that its control over the accuracy of the data it receives is limited. The website insists that suspicious side effects should not be interpreted as meaning that the drug in question is not safe.
Inaccurate data
Moreover, the data provided in the text are not accurate. It states that, as of June 5, 2021, 1,354,336 people had reported an adverse effect (whether or not related to the vaccine), but the truth is that this number actually corresponds to the total number of reported reactions (sometimes a patient reports more than one effect, so the number of people is usually lower).
On the other hand, if we go to the EudraVigilance website, the latest update of the European portal (June 26) shows a total of 628,586 patients who reported adverse effects suspected to be related to Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines, less than half of those mentioned in the news item.
Over the total of registered events, 13,867 were fatal according to the Euskalnews article, a datum that does coincide with that of EudraVigilance. In any case, this number is not linked to the actual number of deaths due to the vaccine: "For the moment, the only cause of death probably associated with the vaccine – in particular, with that of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson – is venous thrombosis with thrombocytopenia", Adelaida Sarukhan, immunologist and scientific writer of the Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal, in Catalan) in Barcelona, told Verificat. Specifically, 5 deaths have been confirmed in Spain (as of May 30, 2021), 69 in the United Kingdom (as of June 16, 2021) and 2 in Australia (as of June 10, 2021). No updated data are available for the European Union or the United States.